The Case For Homeschooling

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The Case For Homeschooling

by Natasja Yonce ESQ

You have undoubtedly heard by now of the full-on onslaught on public school children to wholeheartedly embrace the LGBT agenda. Children in Charlotte, NC public schools are not allowed to be called boys & girls anymore. Instead, the new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and bathroom of choice. (The bathroom choice is currently on hold ). This insanity even extends to extracurricular sports & activities that best fit whichever label they “feel” they identify with at that moment. Furthermore, boys will even be permitted to dress up like a girl and join “all-girl” overnight excursions, as long as they’re dressed like girsl. Yes, you heard that right. The agenda is complete and utter sexual & spiritual perversion.

In steps the “gender unicorn” to accomplish this objective. Create it a cute little, purple unicorn and the children will gobble it up like candy. How can a cute little unicorn be evil, right? This is what is called blatant brainwashing and psychological manipulation and abuse. Not surprisingly, this unicorn was created by an extremist left wing group called Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER) and their goal is to completely eliminate the moral perception of the God given gender in its entirety.

The agenda: confuse the children, indoctrinate psychologically and emotionally during government controlled school time at the most vulnerable ages to get them to adapt to a perverse lifestyle completely separated from God and what He created them to be and accomplish in life. If I was a public school parent, I’d honestly be very, very concerned right now. Children’s very future and identities are being toyed with when they’re supposed to be getting an education. In stead they are learning that every aspect of life and their identity can be based on emotion and is completely subjective. They are learning that sexual immorality is to be embraced. They are learning to walk in a direction their innocent little minds could never even have possibly conjured up by itself, and it’s leading to emotional turmoil and an immoral cliff that has only one end in sight.

Yes, there may very well reasonably be instances of “transgenderism” that stem from legitimate, deep-rooted issues, but most of these children going through this transformation into “gender fluidity” aren’t suddenly suffering from these deep-rooted issues or mental disorder. They were manipulated. They were psychologically abused. They were converted. These delusions were fostered by thousands of hours of indoctrinating propaganda and finally, crippling peer pressure from other brainwashed children. Broken, lonely children are the ideal targets for this LGBT lobby. The problem is, we’ve elected Godless people to office that pander to a miniscule minority of society, that it makes this LGBT lobby a very powerful force in America. It uses the schools and the government as a tool to reach our children. With the statistics of broken families higher than ever before, public schools have a never-ending supply of lonely and lost children to prey upon.

I am often confronted with people stating that Christian children should be sent to public school to be a “light in the darkness.” Excuse me? To send a child into a spiritual battle where they are not equipped to handle the weapons of onslaught is not “sending your child to be a light in the darkness.” The Bible teaches us to teach our children in the way they should go, not send them out before their impressionable minds are ready to handle all the ammunition slung at them for thousands of hours of psychological indoctrination through their lifetime. If adults can’t stand against the indoctrination of the liberal media and most just walk along uninformed and believe what is told even if it’s a lie, how much more an impressionable child? We are to protect our children, not send them out to be bombarded with Godlessness everyday.

I hear stories everyday of distraught parents sharing that their children were just fine until they were taught at school that this kind of immorality is quite acceptable and that it’s “in to be different.” Kids will do anything for acceptance. Whole groups of friends are embracing this insanity and are insisting on starting hormonal treatments together to eventually switch genders completely. Whole groups. That is not normal. If we continue down this path, soon we’ll see these teens go to their teachers and complain that their parents are not on board with their chosen sexuality and you know what the next step will be? Legal action against the parent. That’s right. Child abuse, that’s what they will call it. Ludicrous? No. Wake up. It’s just a matter of time. No one ever thought a Christian could loose his or her business for refusing to bake a cake, but it is happening, it is here, it is real.

The whole gay marriage agenda here in America was never truly about “marriage equality” to begin with. The gay lobby leaders admit it is to destroy the family unit and “get rid of the confines of Christianity in its entirety”. It is about stripping parents of their parental rights, so that parental rights will switch from “biological” to “legal” (like in Canada) and the State finally resumes the responsibility of “parent”. You will not have a right to your children based on biology anymore. It will be a legal right and who presides over legal rights? That’s right. The state. To say the least, this agenda is sinister at its core and its goal is to destroy Christianity and completely destroy the meaning of morality, as we know it.

But there is still hope. God is not done with America. God is not done with us nor is He done with our children. It may seem like we are leading our children into a future lion’s den, but God is still the God who shut the lions’ mouths in the den. He is still the same, yesterday, today and forever. We still serve the same God.

Let’s start walking in complete wisdom and understanding. Let’s get informed. Let’s take full responsibility for our children and their future. That is why I, and so many other parents of young children, are now choosing to homeschool or, if financially able, send their children to Christian school. By the way, while we’re on the subject of Christian schools, if we continue down this path, after this agenda has been implemented and the sleeping populace has wholeheartedly been brainwashed into accepting the psychological abuse of their children, there won’t be many Christian schools left. There will not be governmental, financial support if school policy believes and adheres to the teachings of the Bible, period. It’s just a matter of time. Adjust to the call for immorality or loose your scholarships and tax-exempt status. Sounds ominous, but it is a basic, material part of the agenda. Their goal is to obliterate morality and Christianity. They use the “catch phrase “love all people”, but what that really means, is to not confront anyone with immorality. Immorality is “relevant.” I could never, ever willingly send my children into a nest of vipers. They deserve my protection. They deserve my guidance.

As for my family, there is no other choice: homeschooling is the only option. While a child is still considered a child, they are young and impressionable. Someone will influence them, someone will inevitably shape their outlook and approach to life and God’s Word. Who will it be? You – or a sinister agenda leading them to immorality and depravity?

The latest insanity from the LGBT lobby is exactly that – just the latest in an overwhelming plethora of liberal indoctrination in public schools. There have been so many onslaughts on our children with the liberal, progressive political view point forced and interjected upon them for decades by their authority figures in schools. How can we expect them to stay adhering to the Word of God and not give into overwhelming manipulation? No wonder most young people consider themselves to be liberals when they leave public schools. I have heard some parents share that the insanity has not reached their county schools yet; or that they fight every step of the way to keep their children safe from indoctrination in public school. I applaud a fighting parent, especially when they’re fighting for their children’s future… I pray the fighters prevail; I pray those counties stay moral. I’ll do my part in exposing the truth, but alas, without divine intervention, it is and will remain an uphill battle.

I can say with conviction, my family and children are my primary and first priority in life. There is nothing I would not sacrifice to protect my children and see them fulfill their God given purpose in this earth. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that for us that absolutely makes homeschooling an intricate, natural part of our lives, and it is a beautiful joy! I consider it not only a responsibility to guide and direct my children academically, emotionally and spiritually, but also a treasured privilege.

“Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6


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