POLLING INDUSTRY: “HOPELESSLY OBSOLETE” By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. (author of Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between […]
The Daily Snippet
Uncategorized April 7, 2017, 0 Comment 186Makes sense, right? The timing is more than just suspicious. It was never proven that the 2013 chemical attack was conducted by Assad either. The UN’s Carla Del Ponte had stated the vicious assault was likely conducted by the rebels.
Ron Paul added, “It makes no sense, even if you were totally separate from this and take no sides of this and you were just an analyst, it doesn’t make sense for Assad under these conditions to all of the sudden use poison gasses. I think it’s zero chance that he would have done this deliberately.”
It certainly seems like the globalists want war and Trump has unfortunately surrounded himself with a few of them, and his 2013 opinion that laid the foundation for his campaign stance on this issue – to let Syria solve its own problems – is flying out the window with Tillerson stating, “There’s no doubt the chemical attack was carried out by the Assad regime. We considering a serious response.” “No doubt…” How can they have irrefutable proof that it was Assad? It is the exact opposite of what a logical person, who wants to stay in power, would have done under the circumstances at this point in time.
Pray. I hear the war drums beating. It is the exact opposite of what our country needs, and the globalists know it.
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