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The Daily Snippet
Uncategorized March 31, 2017, 0 Comment 151Life From A Christian Perspective
by @NatasjaYonce
Mike Pence and His Healthy Boundaries
We live in an age where morality is a relative concept and those with solid, conservative values are being attacked for being “old fashioned”, “behind the times” and even “oppressive and archaic. ” We see celebrity marriages fall apart in public for all to see and it seems like this is just the norm nowadays. With only about forty to fifty percent of the marriages ending in divorce in America, the impression one gets looking at secular America, is that infidelity and divorce is normal and to be expected.
We get informed all too frequently about Hollywood and political celebrity infidelities. Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Beyonce, Anthony Weiner are all known for their public marriages ending in shambles due to infidelity. Then we have also seen spiritual leaders and pastors who left their churches and ministries in utter disarray after choosing a path of betrayal and sexual immorality.
So it is very unique and refreshing to see marriages that actually works, that are solid and fulfilled. These marriages are strange occurrences in today’s secular world and the reaction to a healthy marriage by mainstream America today was very telling.
The depravity of our society veered its ugly head after Ashley Parker wrote a piece in “The Washington Post” today on Karen Pence and her relationship with her husband, Vice-President, Mike Pence. It was supposed to be a positive piece about a healthy marriage, but later Ashley Parker posted the following tweet: “Mike Pence never dines alone w a woman not his wife, nor does he attends events w alcohol, w/o her by his side.” And the liberal outcry ensued…
In our “progressive” society this is clearly seen as an abnormal and novel thing for a married man in a powerful position to do. They ridiculed him and called him “misogynistic” and “archaic” and questioned whether it will close the door for women as a professional disadvantage in, for example, keeping them from meeting alone with the Vice President, or even working for him.
According to these feminists, everything should be a free for all with no limitations. Pre-marital sex, abortion, gay marriage to name just a few. Any kind of sexual immorality is celebrated. This is what supposed happiness looks like to them, so their reaction to seeing a happy, Biblical marriage flourishing in the constraints of healthy boundaries, revealed their depraved outlook on life.
The following ideas highlighted from an article from “The Hill” was described as “so 1950’s” and “sickening.” The Vice President’s commitment to his marriage and his wife was considered as “strange”, “surprising”, and even “abnormal” after the following was referenced. “‘If there’s alcohol being served and people are being loose, I want to have the best-looking brunette in the room standing next to me,’ Pence said. He stated that he often refused dinner or cocktail invitations from male colleagues as well.”
“It’s about building a zone around your marriage. I don’t think it’s a predatory town, but I think you can inadvertently send the wrong message by being in (certain) situations.” He also told “The Hill” that he’s seen several marriages encounter difficult times since he’s been in politics. “I’ve seen friends lose their families. I’d rather lose an election,” Pence said. Wisdom is speaking here. Love is speaking here. When did America get to a place where morality is ridiculed?
Feminism and liberalism today considers healthy boundaries to be completely outdated and useless. These boundaries may not be recognized by a lost society, but it is what has formed the tapestry of many a happy marriage over centuries.
Billy Graham actually created a similar boundary for himself and the other pastors working in his ministry as far back as 1948. He was ministering to his employees and pastors about the temptation of sexual immorality that they had seen other evangelists encounter. He established a rule in order to live above reproach and to avoid any situation that would compromise them or elude to suspicious behavior. They refrained from traveling, meeting, or eating alone with a woman other than their wife. Wise choice. Their marriages stayed blessed and in tact.
Rules and boundaries are imperative in all relationships, especially marriages. Keep God in it and keep people out of it. Loyalty and faithfulness are maintained at all times if we are aware and mindful of the temptations and influences, and how to avoid it. I know a spiritual giant who travels very frequently and he never travels without his wife. His marriage is as solid as it gets. I also know a fiery evangelist who did the opposite and almost lost his marriage because of it. Boundaries are there to protect us.
Affairs certainly don’t start with a physical relationship, they start through “innocent conservation” and emotional connection. We are to protect what is most valuable to us and that is definitely our marriages and families. It is foolish to allow temptations, never mind trying to just resist it, or flee from it. Complete transparency makes for a successful marriage. Not being alone with a person of the opposite sex makes for common sense and a successful marriage. These boundaries certainly limit some interactions, and so it should. It is protection and it shows we value and honor covenant.
They can call healthy marriage boundaries what they may, but we know that there is security in the safety of it as God gives us wisdom to protect our marriages and families against the sure devastation of broken covenant. We still have the answer. And deep down, that security and fulfillment is envied by a lost society.
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