Life From A Christian Perspective

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by @NatasjaYonce
The Mainstream Media’s Anti-Christ Stance
Like clock work, every year before Easter (Resurrection Sunday) and Christmas, the mainstream media goes on their anti-Christ mission of denying that Jesus ever existed and that the New Testament is purely based on a mythological figure, not a man who really lived, died, and rose again from the grave two-thousand years ago. So par for the course, CNN republished an article from 2012 on their website to sow seeds of doubt in its already indoctrinated (and dwindling) viewership.
The article written by John Blake, “Decoding Jesus: Separating Man from Myth,”  starts off by suggesting that Jesus’ existence is quite reasonably questionable.
It is very clear, mainstream media is blatantly finding itself on the opposite side of Biblical truth today. If it’s Biblical, you can be assured they’d be against it, or promote the exact opposite. Abortion. Same sex marriage. Traditional family. Purity. Morality. There are a myriad of issues where they’ve proven their anti-Christian stance, so it’s no surprise that CNN is featuring a new series: “Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery,” to question the very existence of Jesus Christ.
Blake quotes Timothy Freke and Robert Price, both authors claiming that the story of Jesus was copied from legends about pagan deities and that the Gospels are misunderstood allegories or outright forgeries. Fake news in action in all its glory, is finding non-reputable, deceived heretics and quoting them as representing the body of Christ to substantiate their baseless claims.
Fact: no historian worth his salt believes that Jesus is a myth. None.  Even religious-sceptical scholars have abandoned the theory that Jesus was a mere myth. Bart Ehrman, a famous agnostic biblical scholar and critic of the New Testament, calls Jesus-deniers “Internet conspiracy theorists trying to sell books, and compares them to Holocaust-deniers.”
It is important to note, that Ehrman has not ever affirmed historical Christianity, like the fact that Jesus was not just a man but the Son of God and that He performed mighty miracles and died for our sins. His denial of Christianity, but affirmation of the existence of the center of the religion: Jesus, makes the confirmation of His existence even more compelling. There is broad consensus amongst even skeptical scholars that Christianity began with the life and death of a real and historically exceptional man.
Furthermore, there are scores of well known ancient scholars and writers hostile to Christianity, like Josephus, who all specifically confirm that a man existed two-thousand years ago, who was born in Nazareth and preached throughout Galilee and Judea. That He was crucified under Pontius Pilate on a hill called Golgotha, and that His life – and death – sparked what would eventually become the world’s largest religion.
Naturally as Christians we believe that Jesus was a real man, the Son of God, who sacrificed to come down and be clothed in humanity, to ultimately reconcile us to the Father by laying down His life and defeating death by being raised from the grave. But we need to be the answer when the world confronts us with completely fabricated heresy of the non-existence of Jesus and when we see utter garbage like this article, we need to confront it and expose its motive.
The true motive here is clear to see. The mainstream media is a wicked tool in the hand of Satan to turn the doubters, confused or uninformed into agnostics. Their goal is to destroy Christianity and morality. At the heart of their opposition to Christianity, is an anti-Christ worldview.
It’s time for the church to stop being a feeble, fearful, weak fence sitter. It’s time to impact the culture and resist the advances of an immoral, indoctrinating media hell bent on sending its viewers to hell. It’s time to shine a light. It’s time to be bold.
We know this:
“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” (John‬ ‭1:5)‬
We have the answer…


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